Our Part #:
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Case Size:
For an explanation of a lighting term, click on the
Energy Used:
4.5 watts
"Watts" is the term applied to the amount of energy required and used by a particular light bulb. It is an international system unit of power equal to one joule per second. Contrary to popular belief, the wattage of a bulb does not directly measure the brightness; the "lumens" of a light is what defines the actual light output.
Voltage is a measure of electrical potential.
Bulb Type:
The "Bulb Type" is typically a combination of the style of bulb as well as the width of the bulb. Usually, the first couple letters will indicate the type; "G" would indicate "Globe", "PAR" would indicate "Parabolic Reflector"... The numbers indicate the diameter of the light bulb in eighths of an inch; a "G40" would be a "Globe" style that is "5 inches" in diameter.
Base Type:
Single Contact Miniature Flanged (PX13.5s)
The "Base" of a light bulb is the part that either screws or snaps into a receptacle. Base Type terminology may indicate common descriptive words like "Medium" or "Candelabra", or may even contain numeric codes that signify size and variety, like "E26" or "2GX13".